Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Generation Gaps

Inspired by WashPost (of course) Prehistoric Pols ...

The Google and the Internets have obviously been confounding more than a few of our country's leaders. This depresses me. Science and technology are an element of the equation that sets the USA apart from other countries. The proportionate spending of our national budget in these regards is often shameful. Even our military technologies such as the F-16 have been auctioned off to the highest bidders.

And these are the people making policies for the FCC and newspaper/media ownership, copyright and patent laws, and more. "A series of tubes" doesn't quite cut as as an explanation. While seniors are using the Wii to promote activity and interaction, out leaders don't even know what You Tube is. Now, I would suggest that anyone become a technophile, but a little basic knowledge would be appreciated. Now wonder they don't care about running a yearly budget deficit and an astronomical national debt, they must think the world's ending and their children have no future. They have shoved their problems onto our shoulders ... personal responsibility a joke. Supposedly, we're all feeling entitled now. I don't feel that way. I feel fucked over.

Anyway ... I hope that you are at least mildly following the election. And if you are young, vote young ... these other folks just don't have our interests at heart.

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